Behind the scenes by Linas Jodwalis, conceptual art by Rock'n Jellybean.
An oldie, but a goodie! Take a ride around the world with Slash and the boys!
Production Company: Motion Theory
Director: Motion Theory
Director of Photography: Claudio Miranda
Executive Producer: Javier Jimenez
Creative Director: Mathew Cullen, Grady Hall
Visual Effects Supervisor: Linas Jodwalis and John Clark
Designers/Animators: Mathew Cullen, Kaan Atilla, Tom Bruno, Earl Burnley, Don Campbell, John Clark, Jesus de Francisco, Jesse Franklin, Juston Hsu, Christopher Janney, Linas Jodwalis, Mark Kudsi, Mark Lai, Chris Leone, Vi Nguyen, Irene Park, Robyn Resella, Kirk Shintani, Mike Slane, Shihlin Wu
Pre-Visualization Development: Chris Leone
Post Production Coordinator: James Taylor
Illustrator Company: Rockin' Jellybean Graphics
Illustrator: Jellybean